Lou Reed Perfect Day Lockdown Parody Music Video
My coronavirus lockdown version of Lou Read's Perfect Day.

Early in the pandemic in March 2020, I loved seeing the stories and videos that people were posting on social media, including LinkedIn, during their time in lockdown.
These difficult times have brought the more human and caring side of people to the fore, which I feel has been transforming our working relationships.
I found that initial lockdown period difficult but found myself using the extra time I had without commuting to explore my more creative side.
I initially wrote some lyrics for an alternative parody version of Lou Reed's classic song Perfect Day, then recorded it and then made an accompanying video.
I’d never done these things before and after this, I gradually started sharing it with family, friends, my company and eventually my entire LinkedIn network.
This was such a massive leap outside of my comfort zone and I was scared to share it but did it anyway. I’d never sung even in front of my family let alone sharing a music video with the world!
I was bowled over by the response and also the impact it had on people in terms of showing a different side of me and helping to connect with people in a difficult time. The song also resonated with people’s experiences.
It was a big lesson for me and a game-changer on opening my eyes to the possibilities of taking risks and putting myself out there.